On set in New Mexico shooting SICARIO with Benicio Del Toro. Directed by Denis Villeneuve and masterfully photographed by Roger Deakins.
I can now say I am in two films that can add the CANNES FILM FESTIVAL on their cinematic resumes. Ten years ago with THE THREE BURIALS OF MELQUIADES ESTRADA and now with SICARIO. My role in THREE BURIALS was substantial but my role in SICARIO is significantly smaller...just one scene to be precise but a highly important scene. Obviously I can't say anything or give details other than I'm proud of the scene. I had the opportunity to discuss my concerns with our director, Denis Villeneuve about the scene months in advance and leaving room to play and improv with one of our great actors, Benicio Del Toro. I'm elated for personal reasons since I was treated with respect as an actor and was fully involved in the process. Wishing everyone involved in front and behind the camera all the best and cheering you on for a job well done.